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Toma Enterprise 副社長  林 誠三(Dojo RITAH塾生)
Toma Enterprise
Vice President
Seizo Hayashi (Dojo RITAH member)

はやし・せいぞう◎Hawaii Pacific大学Computer Science学科卒。Visual Systemsを1996年パートナーと創設、2010年社長就任。日系企業のITサポート、日系のクラウドプログラム開発を行っている。2020年からはToma Enterprises Inc.の副社長に就任。
URL: https://www.visualhawaii.com /  https://tomakaraoke.net
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Seizo Hayashi graduated from Hawaii Pacific University with a degree in Computer Science. Founded Visual Systems as a partner in 1996 and became president in 2010. Visual Systems provided IT support for Japanese companies and developed cloud programs for Japanese companies. From 2020, he also became Vice President of Toma Enterprises Inc. 
URL: visualhawaii.com, tomakaraoke.net




 創業30年のカラオケ店を夫婦で経営しています。2019年に妻・ナオコが実兄から店を継ぐ話が持ちあがったころ、私はVisual Systemsという自分のIT会社経営に忙しく、彼女には店の経営は無理だと思っていました。





 手にマメができるほど掃除し、感染防止対策をこまめに行いながら、Dojo RITAHメンバーの工務店やハンディマンの力を借り一部屋ずつ改装。店の空気が清浄され部屋もきれいになると、より多くのお客さまに喜んでほしくなり、サービスにも力が入りました。



We want to provide more spaces where everyone can gather casually and enjoy karaoke with peace of mind

◎ Amid lockdown, embark on the family business in the karaoke store

My wife Naoko and I run a karaoke store that has been in business for 30 years. In 2019, when Naoko talked about taking over the store from her brother, I was so busy with my own IT business called Visual Systems that I thought she couldn’t run the store. 

However, my wife’s strong desire to not lose the place for customers who have been coming for more than 20 years moved me, and I decided to help her. 

I got serious about the co-management when I saw a vagrant building a hut in front of the store and living there while closing the store due to Hawaii’s lockdown in 2020. It reminded me of Dr. Kazuo Inamori’s words: “When you think it’s time to give up, the real work begins.” I decided to join the board of Toma.

◎ Thorough cleaning and creative renovation to restore business performance

Since then, days have been filled with managing my IT company in the daytime and working at Toma from evening to midnight. I took some episodes from Dr. Inamori’s lecture as our models, i.e., if everyone cleans a dirty factory, the workplace will be revitalized, and business performance will recover. Another model is an efficient upgrade. We outsourced only partial renovations in dilapidated facilities and added ingenuity ourselves. 

I’ve got a blister due to everyday cleaning and infection prevention. Each karaoke room is renovated with the help of Dojo RITAH (DR) members, including construction and handyman companies. When the air in the store was purified, and the rooms became clean, we wanted more customers to be happy. We put more effort into the services.

Thanks to DR’s RITAHxPDCA activities, daily business results can be seen numerically. And both sales and profits have increased by more than 30% compared to before Corona. It boosted the morale of the workplace, too.

We will continue to value our customers and increase spaces where seniors and young people in Hawaii can enjoy karaoke parties at ease. 

※このページは「ライトハウスハワイ 2022年6月1日」号掲載時のものです。




Please scroll down for the English version!! 中小零細企業の経営者が立派な経営をしなければ その国の人々は幸せになれない  私は40年前の1982年に、ちょ...



Please scroll down for the English version!! 家族サービスを優先一時的に売上50%減も、 内部留保で雇用を確保し生産続行  麺製造会社サンヌードルのハワイ事...