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EM Hawaii, LLC
代表取締役社長 名護ヒロミチ

(Dojo RITAH塾生/英語スピーキングメンバー
President and member
Hiromichi Nago (Dojo RITAH member/ English Group Sewanin)

なごひろみち ハワイ日系3世。ハワイ大学園芸科卒。ゴルフ場、蘭ファームへ勤めた後、沖縄へ移住。5年後ハワイへ戻りEM HAWAIIの研究員としてEMの普及活動を経て、2006年経営者となる。Genki Ala Wai Project の技術アドバイザーとして活動。
Hiromichi Nago, 3rd generation Japanese American in Hawaii.
Graduated from the University of Hawaii, Horticultural Science
Dept. After working for a golf course and a orchid farm, moved to
Okinawa. Five years later, he returned to Hawaii. After working to
spread EM™ as a researcher at EM HAWAII, he started up the
current business in 2006. He is a technical advisor to Genki Ala
Wai Project.
URL: emhawaii.com    and   genkialawai.org



 当社は、比嘉照夫琉球大学名誉教授が開発した、土、水、空気や腸環境を健康にする有用微生物群EM・1®(Effective Microorganisms®)のハワイ総代理店です。 








 パンデミック中に始めたDojo RITAH式PDCA(RITAHX)のおかげで、経営数値も日常的に管理できるようになりました。目下の目標は、ハワイの大規模排水処理施設を全米で初めてEMで浄化することです。


My dream is to restore the earth’s ecosystem by helping Hawaii’s watershed, large wastewater treatment plants, and old cesspool systems. 

◎In my early days, the family service was given priority, and management was secondary

We are the sole agent of Effective Microorganisms® (EM•1®), a beneficial group of microorganisms developed by Professor Emeritus Teruo Higa  of the University of the Ryukyus to make healthy soil, water, air, and clean environments. 

When I took over the Hawaii market from EMRO Okinawa in 2006, I was a sole proprietor who covered delivery and shop sales by myself. Rather than management, I prioritized time with my family, such as accompanying my son on soccer tournaments.

I left bookkeeping and tax returns to outside professionals.  Although the financial statements made a profit, there was not enough cash to pay the bills, the debit balance of my credit card was extremely high, and I borrowed from my parents at times.

Management started to improve in 2014, when my wife, Chikako, and I joined Seiwajyuku Hawaii. Following Dr.  Inamori’s teachings, the significance and purpose of business were clarified, and sales and accounting were improved. We also reduced our debts.

◎ Dreams are significantly advanced with the “Genki Ala Wai Project”!

The pandemic was instead an opportunity for us to leap forward. Sales of EM products increased among people who started home gardening and wanted to increase their immune system.

Last month, the news media picked up our event to toss 5,000 “genki  balls” made of EM, rice bran and clay soil into the Ala Wai Canal to restore the most polluted waterway, and the recognition has also risen.

When talking to people about EM, my wife reminds me to watch out for my behavior by the words of Dr. Inamori. “Be humble, not arrogant, and make even more efforts.” 

I am careful not to become arrogant.

Thanks to the Dojo RITAH PDCA (RITAHX) that we started during the pandemic, we were getting better at managing the profit and loss daily. Our present goal is to purify Hawaii’s large-scale wastewater treatment plants with EM for the first time in the United States.

※このページは「ライトハウスハワイ 2022年5月1日」号掲載時点のものです。




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Please scroll down for the English version!! 家族サービスを優先一時的に売上50%減も、 内部留保で雇用を確保し生産続行  麺製造会社サンヌードルのハワイ事...