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1) ファラフェル($10) – カリッと揚げた中サイズのひよこ豆フリッター8つ。なめらかな舌触りのタヒニソースとチェリートマト、ピクルス添え。
2) チキンシャワルマ($25) – ターメリック、コリアンダーをはじめとする香りスパイスで仕込んでから焼き上げた柔らかしっとりの鶏もも肉キューブ。ガーリックディッピングソースが素晴らしくよく合う。
3) ラムミックス($80) – ラム3通り(ケバブ、チョップ、シシカバブ)を盛り合わせたボリューミーなプレート+付け合わせ。ラム好きにはたまらないご馳走。
Habibi Tasty
(808) 728-4115
2346 South King Street
【営】水~日 5:00 – 9:30pm
If diet and exercise are two pillars of good health, why do gyms broadcast The Food Network while people are exercising? To me, that is a bit sadistic. When I had a gym membership and earnestly worked out with the hopes of becoming svelt, I found myself going out to eat immediately afterwards to satisfy the craving I developed watching Andrew Zimmern cramming down a bunch of Mexican street tacos. Needless to say, my gym membership at the now defunct Honolulu Club was a complete waste in investment. I then discovered that I could just as easily exercise by running away from the crackheads in my neighborhood, while starting making wiser decisions as to what to eat for the stamina to survive. After all, dieting meant certain death for me, if not an invalidation of my raison d’etre.
Half a year ago, I was fortunate enough to discover Habibi Tasty, an operation that was once a food truck in Waikiki that decided to open a brick-and-mortar in Moilili. Since then, I made multiple visits, as I truly fell in love with the healthful presentations and the kind hospitality of the owners, Moha and Susan, who sought to share their Jordanian and Palestinian culture through their cuisine.
The eatery that opened in the summer of 2022, will hopefully expand into a more expansive market for various exotic ingredients, but for now it proudly serves a number tempting appetizers such as hummus, babaganooj, stuffed mushrooms and Arabic salads to prime the palate for the house-made falafels, and a variety of charcoal grilled meats, including savory lamb kebabs, beef kebabs, chicken sheesh (made with breast meat), and chicken shawarma. For family-style sharing, the Lamb Mix is a feast that includes some hummus, salad, a choice of pita or a much thinner saj bread, two lamb kebabs (long patties of minced lamb), two lamb chops, two lamb sheesh skewers—which offers about 8-10 cubes—grilled vegetables, and basmati rice.
Habibi Tasty’s cuisine is magnificently flavorful yet it feels healthy because the lean meats are marinated to optimize flavor and grilled to a moist perfection. Plus, the vegetables and thin breads making up the sides seem lower in carbohydrates, leaving me feeling less weighed down, something that may be crucial as I quickly sidestep to evade the ever-increasing population of angry, incoherent people roaming around my residence.
Recommeded dishes:
1) Falafel ($10) – Eight medium-sized crispy chickpea fritters that come with a velvety tahini sauce, cherry tomatoes, and pickles.
2) Chicken Shawarma ($25) – Tender and moist grilled chicken thigh cubes marinated in baking spices mixed with turmeric, coriander, and other fragrant spices, that go beautifully dipped in the garlic sauce.
3) Lamb Mix ($80) – The ideal feast for the lamb lover, this large portion showcases lamb done three ways (kebabs, chops, and sheesh) with sides.
Habibi Tasty
(808) 728-4115
2346 South King Street
Business hours: Wed-Sun, 5:00 – 9:30 p.m.
◎ マーケティング会社社長。ハワイ随一のグルメ通として知られている食いしん坊。
Twitter: @incurablepicure
Instagram: @incurablepicure
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