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1) ソルティッドエッグヨークチキンウィングス($14.95) – 黄身の塩漬けのしょっぱくまろやかな味わいが効いた、外はカリカリ+中はしっとりのチキンウィング。
2) ブラックビーンクラブ($68) – 丸ごとダンジネスクラブの黒豆ソース。甘いカニ肉に、発酵ソースのほのかな塩味がナイスバランスを醸し出す。48時間前までの予約が必要。
3) フライドグリーンビーンズ+ミンチ・ウィズ・サンバルシュリンプペースト($14.95) – シャキシャキのインゲンとひき肉のシュリンプペースト炒め。サンバルのピリ辛がアクセント。
Yi Xin Café
Phone: (808) 738-0818
2919 Kapiolani Boulevard
【営】火~日 10:30am – 9:00pm
If I were a homesick American college kid in Hong Kong in late 1800s to early 1900s, I would probably not have survived since Western cuisine was a privilege reserved for the upper class. Even in the 1920s, a meal in a Western restaurant cost around $10, about 20% to 67% of the monthly pay for the working-class. Only after WWII with the heavy British influence did the concept of cha chaan teng, or Hong Kong style cafes, become more accessible to a local audience. These cafes became such an inseparable part of Hong Kong culture that a lawmaker once petitioned to have cha chaan teng added to the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage list, though that effort proved unsuccessful.
In Hawaii, there is increased attention to the cha chaan teng, with the openings of two new cafes. One of them is Yi Xin Café in Market City Shopping Center, which offers some of the staple offerings, including shrimp wonton egg noodles in soup, Hong Kong style curry beef stew with rice, and milk tea. Having opened in March, the soft opening menu offers a limited scope of what seems to be more ambitious plans. In addition to Hong Kong fare, the menu also includes flavors from Singapore and Malaysia in its lineup of appetizers, baked rice or spaghetti dishes, curry, noodles, rice plates, house special stir-fry, vegetables, fried rice, and drinks.
Starters to consider include fried chicken wings with ham har or shrimp paste which reveal fermented savory flavors of shrimp under crisp skin or crispy Singaporean shrimp crackers. Baked spaghetti dishes such as the baked meat sauce with spaghetti or baked meat sauce with tonkatsu on spaghetti feature cheesy pulls of pasta strands with a tempered sweet tomato-based sauce. The noodle section spanned the gamut from delicately brothed shrimp wonton egg noodles in soup to racy curried Singapore rice noodles and saucy beef chow funn. Rice plates featured omelettes on rice topped with beef, teriyaki chicken, or tonkatsu, while house special stir-fry tempted with sizzling beef with black bean sauce or savory garlic stir-fried prawns. A few vegetables shifted the focus away from heavy carbs and proteins with ong choy with sambal shrimp paste and fried green beans with minced meat. To consummate the meal, fried rice dishes as Malaysian beef fried rice and shrimp fried rice with salted egg left a palate desiring a sweet wash with some sweet Hong Kong style milk tea or lemon tea, including an option to add an adorable frozen bear made of solidified tea.
When considering the prices here are about 1.5 to 2 times what the prices cost in 1920, even with the cost of living increases we are experiencing, Yi Xin Café is still an affordable option for people, especially college students. The portions are robust, as are the flavors. All you need now is some time, as there is often a line to get a table and for good reason.
Recommeded dishes:
Recommended dishes:
1) Salted Egg Yolk Chicken Wings ($14.95) – Crispy chicken skin over tender, moist white meat with a robust salted and creamy note.
2) Black Bean Crab ($68) – Requires 48 hours’ notice for a whole Dungeness crab tossed in a savory black bean sauce, the sweet crabmeat balanced by the slightly fermented salted notes.
3) Fried Green Beans with Minced Meat & Sambal Shrimp Paste ($14.95) – Crisp green beans are accented with savory morsels of ground meat, punctuated by spicy and salted strokes of flavor from the sambal.
Yi Xin Café
Phone: (808) 738-0818
2919 Kapiolani Boulevard
Tue-Sun, 10:30am – 9:00pm
◎ マーケティング会社社長。ハワイ随一のグルメ通として知られている食いしん坊。
Twitter: @incurablepicure
Instagram: @incurablepicure
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