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シェフ・ド・キュイジーヌであるニコラス・アモリエロ氏が監修したこのコースは、紫カリフラワーのピクルスとマスタードシードで飾られた丸いゴートチーズムース ワイアルアハニーがけという、なんとも素敵なアミューズブーシュでスタートした。
次は、グレイズドポークベリー 沖縄紫イモのピューレ添え。アモリエロ・シェフが亡くなった友人を偲んで考案した料理で、脂ののった肉と添えられた3通りのオニオンが完璧なハーモニーを奏でていた。妻はヘエをチョイス。彼女は、甘美な味噌パルメザンリゾットの上にのせられた柔らかなタコと本しめじをひと口ずつゆっくり賞味していた。
続くイカ墨ドッピオラヴィオリは、ロブスターがトッピングされ、ホタテ&海老のミックスとエンドウ&ミントピューレの2種類の具が詰まったパスタを、ほのかな柚子の香りをまとった贅沢なクリームソースが誘惑的に引き立ててくれた。 一方、妻は少量のデミグラスソースでいただくラムチョップ 根菜とガーリック風味ゴートチーズとニンジンのピューレ添えを堪能した。
デザートはどれも超がつくほど美味な逸品がそろっていたが、僕たちは、チョコレートムースのドーム ミルクチョコレートマカダミアナッツクランチ、シナモンホイップクリーム、コナコーヒーアングレーズ添えが特に気に入った。
92-1185 Aliinui Dr. Honolulu(アウラニ・ディズニー・リゾート&スパ) TEL:808-929-8126
営業時間 : 火〜日曜5:00pm〜8:30pm
定休日 :月曜
I learned that the year of the Water Rabbit is going to bring luck and happiness in the Chinese New Year. It says my love life will bloom, and I may find the love of my life this year. My wife may not be thrilled with the second part, so I am comprehending it as a time to rekindle our romance.
After experiencing a dinner at ‘AMA’AMA at Aulani, A Disney Resort & Spa, I found a spot to resuscitate the passion. I would never have thought a resort for families with young children would offer an enchanting venue for grown ups, but Disney does work to create happiness, and the newly reimagined restaurant offered a wondrous four-course tasting menu full of wondrous surprises.
Our meal prepared by Chef de Cuisine Nicholas Amoriello began with an orb of goat cheese mousse drizzled with Waialua honey. Then, I was served a quenelle of venison tartare dusted with cured egg yolk shavings and surrounded by little dabs of black garlic puree. My wife was mystified by a sweet shrimp bathed in a silky kabocha soup.
We found ourselves also raving about the sourdough and sprouted seed breads that showcased resoundingly crunchy crusts encasing a flavorful sponge, testaments to pastry chef Carolyn Portuondo’s brilliance. Next, the glazed pork belly with Okinawan purple sweet potato puree, a dish inspired by memories of Chef Amoriello’s late friend, revealed unctuous protein perfectly balanced by onions prepared three ways. My wife relished the he’e, tender morsels of octopus and hon shimeji mushrooms that rested over a luscious, miso and parmesan risotto.
The Ika Ink Doppio Ravioli showcased a double-pocketed squid ink pasta stuffed with a scallop and shrimp mixture. My wife savored her lamb chops with a little demi glace. For dessert, our favorite was the chocolate mousse dome with milk chocolate macadamia nut crunch, cinnamon whipped cream, and Kona coffee Anglaise.
Despite our swollen bellies, we departed with a new love affair, this time with the Disney resort. However, we made a vow to return to experience the $125 meal that started with a romantic sunset.
Recommeded dishes:
1) Venison Tartare – The lightly gamey mince was perfectly accented by the black garlic and truffle, which added a slightly sweet molasses-like note of fermented pungence that also paired beautifully with the slightly bitter salad.
2) Heʻe – The uber-tender marinated, slow-cooked, and slightly charred octopus and hon shimeji mushrooms added dimension to the miso and parmesan risotto brightened by lemony notes.
3) Ika Ink Doppio Ravioli – The al dente ravioli topped with pieces of lobster and bathed in the fragrant yuzu cream were enhanced by pea tendrils, crisp peas, and smoked trout roe which added some vegetal notes, enhanced by smoke and brine.
Phone: (888) 929-8126
ʻAulani, A Disney Resort & Spa, 92-1185 Aliinui Drive
Business hours: Tue-Sun, 5:00 – 8:30pm
◎ マーケティング会社社長。ハワイ随一のグルメ通として知られている食いしん坊。
Twitter: @incurablepicure
Instagram: @incurablepicure
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