

The striking beauty of the beet and salt-cured salmon nigiri featured a vibrant cut of fish tinged in red.

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さて、先日僕はハワイで長年愛されてきた「與平寿司」が高級住宅街のカハラ地区にオープンした新店舗で、おまかせコース “KINOHI”($280)を堪能してきた。三重県出身の寿司職人ナカガワ・タケユキ氏創作の上質なだしをベースにした料理の数々で構成されたコースディナーで、一つひとつの皿から彼の料理人としての才能と姿勢が伝わる感銘的な体験だった。「すべての和食は、丁寧にとった繊細な味わいのかつお昆布だしからはじまる」と教えてくれた彼は、それを実証すべく、まず素朴な器に注がれた美しい黄金色の一番だしを供してくれた。天然の素材が醸し出す旨味と甘味で、これからはじまる魅惑の美食体験の基盤が作られると、いよいよ本番スタート。




途中、焼き物料理(ポークベリーまたはバターフィッシュの西京焼き - 僕は後者を選んだ)、赤だし、北海道産ウニの旨味溢れるリゾットが入り、その後さらにカウアイ海老の天ぷら手巻きを。料理コース最後に出てきた柚子塩ラーメンは、最後の一滴まで飲み干すほど素晴らしく美味しかった。そして、抹茶ブラウニーとテディベアのバニラもなかのデザート2品でほんのり甘いフィナーレを迎えた。


 Chef Takeyuki Nakagawa preparing an awe-inspiring Otsukuri Hassun course.



1) お造り八寸 – 塩麹甘エビ、うなぎと穴子と中トロと干瓢の太巻き、本マグロのタルタル アメリカ産キャビア添え、だし巻きサンドイッチなど小鉢8品の食べ比べ。素材を生かした純粋な味わいが楽しめる、最も印象深いコースだった。

2) ウニのリゾット – 北海道産ウニのリゾット。振り掛けられたパルメザンと削ったカラスミの程よい塩味が、とろりと甘いウニの旨味を一層引き立ててくれた。

3) 柚子塩ラーメン – 小振りの器に注がれた優しいだしに麺が泳ぐ柚子の香りのラーメン。コース最後の料理で、もうすでに満腹だったが、それでもまだまだ食べられると思った。

Yohei Sushi Kahala 與平寿司 カハラ店                           

Phone:  (808) 425-4143

クオノマーケットプレイス(4210 Waialae Ave, #102)

【営】木~火 5:00 – 9:00pm(水曜定休日)


Yohei Sushi KAHALA

If I could change something in my life, it would be to study in Japan.  Overall, I am thrilled with my education but I do regret not gaining more of an international perspective in life, including one focused on the culinary arts.  My household was not one of affluence, so initially struggling with finances as I established my chef identity was not a road I chose.  However, I feel as though my professional career could have benefitted from the strict discipline and attention to detail that every shokunin embraces.

Chef Takeyuki Nakagawa at Yohei Sushi impressed me with his culinary acumen and approach, which were beautifully integrated into his $280 Kinohi omakase at the new upscale Kahala location.  Originally from Mie, Chef Nakagawa conceived of many courses built upon a solid foundation of well-constructed dashi.  “The delicate katsuo and konbu-based broth is the start of everything in Japanese cuisine,” he shared.  To demonstrate this perspective, he served us a chaste bowl of golden ichiban-dashi, its umami and natural sweetness establishing the subtle underpinnings of a fine degustation ahead.  

The ensuing bite was a humble slice of maguro kissed by a touch of sweetness from a nikiri shoyu marinade and crowned with a few mustard seeds.  Then, a mixture of minced tuna, avocado, ogo seaweed, and red onions were deposited into a fried crumple of rice paper, the delicate crisp cradling the spoonful of poke.  A vibrant slice of cured salmon with dill and broccoli powder imparted a hint of sweetness and herbaceousness to the rich, oily sliver.  Acting almost as an intermezzo was an organic local green salad with prosciutto ribbons, and sprinkles of feta and macadamia nuts, all scented by a light dressing of Hawaiian fruits and sushi vinegar.  With refreshed palates, we went on to enjoy a Kona abalone and cauliflower soup canvassing a silken chawanmushi scented with dashi.  A visually impressive Otskuri Hassun displayed eight small bites presented in individual plates, the quintessential expression of fine Japanese moritsuke.  Next, a melee of a half dozen seasonal nigiri were crafted, delectable bites including swordtip squid (kensaki ika) with tobiko and cured whitefish (ishidai) with finger lime and Hawaiian salt.  The sushi courses were interspersed with a grilled dish, which I opted for the lovely butterfish saikyoyaki over the pork belly, some akadashi, and a rich Hokkaido uni risotto brimming with umami.  After a Kauai prawn tempura temaki, we relished every bite of a small vessel of yuzu shio ramen as the final savory course.  Two desserts—a matcha brownie and vanilla ice in a teddy bear-shaped monaka with strawberry—delivered a light but sweet conclusion.

Even after departing the restaurant, I could still taste the graceful ichiban-dashi.  I can only hope my work leaves behind a similar lasting impression in people’s minds, an indelible mark that encapsulates my hard efforts while leaving behind a favorable recollection among those with whom I engaged. 

Recommeded dishes:

1) Otsukuri Hassun – The most impressive was the appetizer sampler of straightforward flavors such as amaebi with shio koji; futomaki with unagi, anago, chutoro, and kampyo; bluefin tartare with American sturgeon caviar; dashimaki sandwich, and more.  

2) Uni Risotto – Hokkaido uni mixed with rice was given a healthy dose of umami with a dusting of parmesan and shavings of karasumi, adding beautifully salted notes to the sweet creamy urchin.

3) Yuzu Shio Ramen – A small portion of ramen noodles wading in a gentle broth of dashi with yuzu aromatics, this final savory course made me wish we were served a bigger bowl, despite already being full.



Yohei Sushi Kahala                          

Phone:  (808) 425-4143

Kū’ono Marketplace, 4210 Waialae Ave, #102

Business hours:  Thu-Tue, 5:00 – 9:00pm (closed Wednesday)



◎ マーケティング会社社長。ハワイ随一のグルメ通として知られている食いしん坊。
Twitter: @incurablepicure
Instagram: @incurablepicure

※このページは「ライトハウス・ハワイ」 2024年4月号掲載の情報を基に作成しています。最新の情報と異なる場合があります。


【レイラ -Leila- 】


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