


The delectable Bun-Bun Hiyashi Chuka, with its multicolored toppings and
delicately nutty yet slightly sweet sesame vinaigrette.

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内容は、はじめ/おつまみ(きんぴらひじき、ポケサンプラー etc.)、生もの(タコめんたいポケ、ちらし丼 etc.)、野菜/サラダ(味噌シーザーサラダ、グリルドブロッコリーニ etc.)、揚げもの(マヒカツ、から海老チリマヨ etc.)、シェフのおすすめ(仙台カレー焼きそば、お好み焼き etc.)、魚介(焼きタコ、モンチョンを酒蒸しにした“蒸し蒸し” etc.)、肉(ハラミ、カルビ etc.)に分かれている。





Sendai-style Prime beef Gyutan ($19.50) served on a sizzling platter
with a drizzle of lemon-ponzu to create billows of aromatic smoke.



1) つくね($17.50) – 鶏・豚・牛肉をこねて30センチくらいの長さに引き伸ばした特大つくね。卵黄を浮かばせた旨みある照り焼きタレにつけていただく。

2) ホタテ焼き($15.70) – こんがり完璧な焼き上がりのプリプリホタテ2つ。レモンバターたまり醤油仕立て。

3) ブンブン冷やし中華($17.50) – チャーシュー、キュウリ、卵、メンマなど色とりどりの具がのった冷麺。たまり醤油とあっさり胡麻だれで。

Izakaya 855-ALOHA


Phone:  (808) 795-8012

ローマー ハウス ワイキキ1階

415 Nāhua Street

【営】毎日 5:00 – 10:00 p.m.(バー:日~水 4:00 – 11:00 p.m.、木~土 4:00 p.m. – 12:00 a.m.)


Izakaya 855-ALOHA

I am proud to be Japanese-American, but as a food writer, I am ashamed that recent Western food fads were glutted with gimmicks capitalizing on Japanese concepts—umami burgers, Japadogs, sushiritos, and the once ubiquitous ramen burger.  I think it is because most of the fads turned revered ingredients and delicate flavors, into bombastic presentations dripping with decadence.  Most have since slipped into obscurity, leaving barely the legacy of a giggle when mentioned.  Japanese food does not have to have its flavors amplified or distorted to be appealing to Americans; rather, diners are becoming more educated and discerning about authenticity.

Izakaya 855-ALOHA may have the polish of a swank metropolitan American lounge, but it maintains the soulful menu of an authentic Japanese pub.  This new, reimagined izakaya by TableOne Hospitality weaves together the nostalgic theme of Waikiki’s nearly obsolete pay phone booths with the energetic appeal of a popular gathering spot.  Both embrace the spirit of connectivity, infusing social interaction back into an era when most people use phones to post on “social” media and watch videos at the dining table.

Hailing from Sendai, award-winning Chef Partner Shotaro “Sho” Kamio delivers an imaginative and approachable menu rooted in tradition, with Executive Chef Daniel No executing the dishes to specification.  The menu is divided into various sections, including 

Hajime (Snacks) such as kinpira hijiki and a poke sampler, Namamono (Raw Dishes) with tako mentai poke and chirashi don, Yasai (Salads/Vegetables) presenting a miso Caesar salad and grilled broccolini, Agemono (Deep-Fried Dishes) as a mahi katsu and kara ebi with chili mayo, Osusume (Chef’s Recommendations) featuring Sendai curry yakisoba and okonomiyaki, Gyokai (Seafood) with okuto (grilled octopus) and mushi mushi (sake steamed monchong), and Niku (Meat) such as harami and kalbi.  Highlights include 

a Sashimi Mori featuring chef’s selection of five fresh fish, a home-style Bun-Bun Hiyashi Chuka, a luxe Fuji Sando featuring A5 Miyazaki wagyu, a Build Your Own Hand Roll Party Line for diners to customize their own temaki, and a “Sho Me the Wagyu” tableside teppanyaki of A5 rib eye from different prefectures in Japan.  

Pair the cuisine with some Japan-inspired cocktails such as Kiss Me Thru The Phone made with Awayuki white strawberry gin, mint, and matcha and the room becomes filled with sounds of convivial chatter.  Though Chef Kamio spent many years in San Francisco, his authentic culinary narrative continues to evolve as he regularly visits his hometown.  Like me, the Izakaya 855-ALOHA may be born in Hawaii and appear to have a Western visage, but its heart and soul remain very Japanese in spirit.

Recommeded dishes:

1) Tsukune ($17.50) – an obscenely large cylindrical chicken, pork and beef sausage, measuring almost a foot long and served with an egg yolk teriyaki dip expressing lovely savory notes and an underlining umami.

2) Hotate Yaki ($15.70) – two plump scallops sauteed to perfection with caramelized tops, dressed with a tamari lemon butter.

3) Bun-Bun Hiyashi Chuka ($17.50) – chilled ramen garnished with charsiu, cucumber, egg, bamboo shoots, and featuring tamari and a delicate but alluring sesame vinaigrette. 



Izakaya 855-ALOHA                         

Phone:  (808) 795-8012

Romer House Waikīkī 1F, 415 Nāhua Street 

Business hours:  Sun-Sat, 5:00 – 10:00 p.m. (Bar: Sun-Wed, 4:00 -11:00 p.m.; Thu-Sat, 4:00 p.m. – 12:00 a.m.)


◎ マーケティング会社社長。ハワイ随一のグルメ通として知られている食いしん坊。
Twitter: @incurablepicure
Instagram: @incurablepicure

※このページは「ライトハウス・ハワイ」 2024年8月号掲載の情報を基に作成しています。最新の情報と異なる場合があります。


【キ・クラブ – – Ki Club- 】


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