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女優としてTVドラマ『マグナムP.I.』に出演している友人が、日本人であるお母さんの食べ物のおいしさの表現方法について話してくれたことがある。彼女の英語力なりに、”good”から “gooood”までの違いを、レベル別に興奮したり楽し気な表情を交えて表現したりすると聞いて、ちょっと笑ってしまった。というのも、それは僕を含むローカルフードライターたちが感動を表現する方法とあまり変わらないからだ。僕たちは、現場では原始的とも言えるうなり声を含めたを増やしているだけで、コンピューターの前に座ってから、それを他の人が理解できる言語に変換しているのが実情だ。
続くは、コックリとした脂ののったノドグロの炙り焼き。これでダメ押しかと思いきや、 例のお母さんだったら「gooood!」と興奮気味に言うであろうハイライトが登場した。カナダ産ウニ、北海道産ウニ、イクラがのったラーメンスプーンは、異なる風味が見事に調和した一品だった。
1) コナ・カンパチ握り
2) スプーン・オブ・ウニ&イクラ
3) 大トロのたたき
Phone: (808) 358-4593
Restaurant Row, 500 Ala Moana Blvd., Suite 2E
営業時間 火~土 11:30am – 4:30pm (現在はランチのみ)
My actress friend from the TV show “Magnum, P.I.” recounted her Japanese mother’s way of communicating varying degrees of appreciation for food. Due to limitations in her English, the difference between “good” and “goooood” was more in the delivery and how she said the word with additional fervor, indicating distinct tiers of pleasure. I chuckled because us local food writers initially express enjoyment with similarly limited vocabulary. We just have an expanded vernacular of moans and grunts demonstrating our primal gratification, which needs to be translated into intelligible words when writing our reviews. When dining with her and others at the new 9-10 seat location of @sushi, most of our expressions describing his lovely nigiri were simple groans, fortunately interjected into more intelligent conversations as we sat on the natural wood counters in the elegantly designed brick-and-mortar by Atsushi Kumagai.
Our evening of cavemen sounds started with an ahi nigiri, a chaste presentation that exhibited the splendor of our local tuna. We proceeded to enjoy a tai (red snapper) tarped with fragrant shiso and ume paste before intensifying the volume of our mumblings with a spectacular Kona kampachi dabbed with housemade yuzu kosho. Next, lush salmon, Hokkaido scallop, and sweet amaebi (spot prawns) ensued along with a shimmery-skinned aji (horse mackerel) with minced ginger and green onions that emulated a garlicky note to complement the neta topping. A seared nodoguro (blackthroat seaperch) then wowed us with its richness. Another highlight that would make my friend’s mother exclaim “gooood” was the spoon loaded with Canadian and Hokkaido uni and ikura, delivering a heavenly synthesis of flavors. A magurozuke and a torched saba (mackerel) oshizushi with a veneer of shio konbu preceded another “goooooood” bite, a seared otoro with Schrenckii caviar by Astrea, delivering complementary briny notes to the rich fatty tuna. Our final gluttonous bite was the seared Miyazaki A5 wagyu placed in a basin of wagyu fat fried rice crowned with a quail egg. To conclude the meal, we glugged down miso soup enriched with flavors from the various seafood incorporated throughout the evening. We departed intoxicated by food and despite being sober from alcohol, we still slurred our positive reviews. I am not left to decipher those incoherent gestures in this column.
Recommeded dishes:
1) Kona kampachi nigiri – the fresh, farm-raised fish was beautifully accented by a housemade yuzu kosho that packed a delicate punch of heat before offering a perfumed make up kiss of citrus.
2) Spoon of uni and ikura – offering two types of regional urchin roe showcased the different but lovely sweet qualities that were balanced with bursts of sweet brine from the cured salmon roe.
3) Seared otoro – as if fatty tuna belly was not enough, a seared to activate the oils augmented by a delicately briny caviar with fruity and nutty nuances was purely transcendent.
Phone: (808) 358-4593
Restaurant Row, 500 Ala Moana Blvd., Suite 2E
Business hours: Tue-Sat, 11:30am – 4:30pm
(lunch only until further notice)
◎ マーケティング会社社長。ハワイ随一のグルメ通として知られている食いしん坊。
Twitter: @incurablepicure
Instagram: @incurablepicure
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