
【味喜屋  和牛しゃぶしゃぶハウス - Wagyu Shabu House -】



The impressive seafood and vegetable platters were pleasantly viable distractions from the quality Miyazaki A5 wagyu.

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最近、カピオラニ・ブルバードに「味喜屋  和牛しゃぶしゃぶハウス」がオープンした。和牛が90分間食べ放題の高級鍋料理店で、シルバー、ゴールド、ダイヤモンドの3つのセットメニューを提供している。

比較的手頃な値段で和牛を楽しみたいなら、シルバー和牛セット(一人前 $68)をチョイス。贅沢な和牛のボーンマロー、和牛のタルタル、しっとり柔らかな和牛の握りまたは刻みわさびをのせた甘エビの刺身のスターターをまず楽しみ、その後オーストラリア産プレミアム和牛(チャックリブアイ、ブリスケット、ショルダーの3種類)のしゃぶしゃぶへと続く。

ゴールド和牛セット(一人前 $88)は、肉が日本産A5和牛のチャックリブアイとショルダーカット各一皿、食べ放題のブリスケットとオーストラリア産M9+フルブラッド和牛にアップグレードされる。あと、旬のグルーパー(魚・ハタ)1匹が加わる。

ダイヤモンド和牛セット(一人前 $98)は、日本産A5和牛が食べ放題。





Plates of wagyu kept coming to the table, and after a good swish in an umami-laden broth, we did not recognize or care to discern what particular cut was manifesting our Hedonistic dream.



1) 和牛のボーンマロー

– トーストに塗り、唐辛子パウダーを振りかけていただく味わい濃厚な骨髄。食欲を刺激する一品。

2) 日本産A5和牛ショルダーカット

– ピカピカと美しく輝く贅沢な霜降りビーフ。特製だしにくぐらせた肉は口の中でとろりととろけ、誘惑的な旨みと余韻が広がった。

3) 山盛りシーフードプラッター

– カニ足、ホタテ、アワビ、エビなど海の幸が食べ放題。何をどれだけ食べようか、みんなでわいわい大騒ぎしてしまった。

Mikiya Wagyu Shabu House

味喜屋  和牛しゃぶしゃぶハウス

Phone:  (808) 509-3176

1221 Kapiolani Blvd., #104

【営】月~木 11:00am – 10:00pm、金~日 11:00am – 11:00pm


Mikiya Wagyu Shabu House

For those not fortunate to be born into wealth, the paradox of age and wealth is cruel. As one progresses in a career, money is accumulated, but age brings physical and health limitations to one’s enjoyment.  While some joke about older gentlemen driving luxury sportscars to bait younger ladies, I worry about their reflex reaction rates.  I envy the youth with their ability to eat without worry about fat retention and glucose levels, but not their budgets limited to fast casual meals.  Retiring in Japan is enticing, partly for the social welfare system, but more for the consumption of wagyu.

Enter Mikiya Wagyu Shabu House, which serves a 90-minute gorge fest of wagyu proportions.  Featuring a luxe all-you-can-eat hot pot, the restaurant offers three meal sets—silver, gold, or diamond.  Those seeking a more affordable grade of wagyu may order the Silver Wagyu Set ($68 per person), which starts with lavish wagyu bone marrow, wagyu tartare, supple wagyu nigiri, or lush raw amaebi dabbed with kizami wasabi.  Then, come the premium Australian wagyu cuts to be swished in a choice of up to two broths:  house featuring the base dashi, a sweet soy-based sukiyaki, spicy miso, or vegan Japanese tomato.  Besides the chuck ribeye, brisket, and shoulder cuts of meat offered, there is a seafood platter, jidori organic chicken, Kurobuta pork, seasonal vegetable platter, unlimited fountain drinks, and some Dave’s Ice Cream. 

Gold Wagyu Set ($88pp) patrons are upgraded to one plate of Japanese A5 wagyu chuck ribeye and shoulder cut each, with AYCE brisket, Full Blood M9+ Australian wagyu cuts, a seasonal pearl grouper, and the benefits of the silver tier.  The Diamond Wagyu Set ($98pp) presents the entire menu, with the highlight being unlimited Japanese A5 wagyu.  With a variety of condiments such as ponzu, spicy soy, and sesame dipping sauces, pasteurized egg for the sukiyaki, and other accents, I find myself indiscriminately devouring plates of wagyu as if this were my last meal on Earth.  A $28 annual membership concept gives access to a roster of benefits, but the most noteworthy is a $10 discount off of the menu price for up to two diners.  Just the thought of having a wagyu hot pot smorgasboard in Hawaii makes me reconsider retiring to Japan, but with the way I consume meat, I would probably be put in a coffin faster than a Ferrari can get me there.  At least I would be satisfied with a smile.

Recommeded dishes:

1) Wagyu Bone Marrow – the rich marrow glid onto each toast point, accentuated by a dusting of dried peppers, whetting the primal appetite.

2) Japanese A5 Wagyu Shoulder Cut – this beautifully marbled cut of meat glistened, while its opulent textures after being cooked in the house broth melted away, leaving an alluring beefy flavor.

3) Full Seafood Platter – the thought of unlimited crab legs, scallops, abalone, shrimp, and other fruits de mer sent everyone at the table into a frenzy, torn between what to overeat.



Mikiya Wagyu Shabu House            

Phone:  (808) 509-3176

1221 Kapiolani Blvd., #104

Business hours:  Mon-Thu, 11:00am – 10:00pm; Fri-Sun, 11:00am – 11:00pm


◎ マーケティング会社社長。ハワイ随一のグルメ通として知られている食いしん坊。
Twitter: @incurablepicure
Instagram: @incurablepicure

※このページは「ライトハウス・ハワイ」 2024年7月号掲載の情報を基に作成しています。最新の情報と異なる場合があります。


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