Please scroll down for the English version!!
僕は幸運な人ではない。占い師にみてもらわないのは、おそらく言ってもらえることが何一つないだろうから。中国人の血が混じっていたならなぁと時に思うが、それは中国の文化が恵みを信奉するようなので、もしかしたらこんな僕にも繁栄と幸運が惜しみなく降り注がれるかもしれないという気がするからだ。“吉兆”という言葉を時々耳にするが、それはいつも中国人の人からのように思う。加えて、春節の挨拶(広東語では“Kung Hei Fat Choy”、北京語では“Gong Xi Fa Cai”)は、「あなたがたくさんのお金に恵まれますように」を意味する。“繁栄”という言葉を人はよく使うが、それが健康も意味しているのかどうかは知らないが、例えそうでなかったとしても、お金が入ってくるようにと願ってもらえればそれでうれしい。
メニューには、前菜(クラゲの胡麻だれ和え etc.)、バーベキューロースト(北京ダック半身 etc.)、スープ(カニ肉と魚の浮袋スープ etc.)、ソルト&ペッパー料理(ソルト&ペッパーシュリンプ etc.)、海鮮料理(泰山風ダンジネスクラブ etc.)、四川料理(カンパオチキン etc.)、肉料理(牛肉または豚肉のゴーヤ炒め etc.)、シズリングキャセロール(ビーフシチューキャセロール etc.)、シズリングプラッター(テンダーロインビーフの黒胡椒炒め etc.)、豆腐・卵料理(卵と豆腐の鮑ソース etc.)、野菜料理(ジャイ etc.)、御飯・麺類(揚州チャーハン、ビーフチャウファン etc.)の数々がずらりと並び、実に充実している。
1) シェフズシグネチャーチャーシュー($20.95) – 少なくとも24時間前までの予約が必要。ジャン・シェフが、程よい脂ののり具合の豚を注文ごとに焼き上げる。デリケートでほんのり甘味のあるタレが脂身と好相性。柔らかジューシーな仕上がり。
2) 黄ニラと卵炒め($24.95) – 黄ニラと卵のシンプルな炒めものだが、美味しくて、しかもほっとさせられるソウルフルな一品。少量のサンバルソースでパンチを効かせて。
3) アイスド・スイートサワー&ポーク(時価) – 氷をトッピングした酢豚 フレッシュベリー添え。氷を掘って行くと、熱々の柔らかな豚肉がパイナップルといっしょに顔を出す。
Phone: (808) 888-2823
111 North King Street
【営】木~火 8:00am – 9:00pm(水曜定休日)
’m not a lucky person; I don’t go to fortune tellers because they would have nothing to say to me. Sometimes I wish I had more Chinese blood, because I have an odd notion that I would be showered with prosperity and good fortune since the culture seems to embrace those blessings. For one, I don’t think I’ve ever heard the word “auspicious” used by anyone that is not Chinese. Plus, the greeting for the Lunar New Year in Cantonese, “Kung Hei Fat Choy,” or Mandarin, “Gong Xi Fa Cai,” means “Wishing you lots of money.” People say “prosperity,” but even if they do not wish me good health, I would be happy with wishes for money.
To increase the ethnic composition of my body, I just fill up with Chinese food. One of my favorite Chinese restaurants is Hawaii Dim Sum & Seafood Restaurant because owners Danny and Karen Liang offer some of Hawaii’s most authentic Cantonese (and other regional) dishes. While the dim sum is nice for lunch, especially starting at just $5.45, I absolutely cherish the dinner menu that Chef Rui Zhang Li creates. Even the most discerning palates among the local Chinese transplant community would probably agree.
The elaborate menu features appetizers such as Cold Jellyfish in Sesame Sauce; BBQ Roast dishes such as half Peking Duck; Soup such as Crab Meat with Fish Maw Soup; Salt & Pepper dishes as Salt & Pepper Shrimp; seafood plates as Dungeness Crab Taishan Style; Sichuan plates including Kung Pao Chicken; Meat dishes such as Beef or Pork with Bittermelon; sizzling casserole dishes as Beef Stew Casserole; sizzling platters as Sizzling Beef Tenderloin with Black Pepper; tofu/egg dishes as Egg & Soy Tofu in Abalone Sauce; vegetable dishes as Jai; and starches such as Yangchow Fried Rice or Beef Chow Funn. The Chef’s Specials represent treasured discoveries that tempt, with way too many options to consider, including Crispy Fried Milk, Sliced Pork Belly with Garlic Sauce, Drunken Clams, Ribs Zhenjiang Style, Steamed Pork Patty with Morel Mushrooms, and much more.
A large party room upstairs accommodates a few hundred people, so if you wish to ring in the Lunar New Year with good fortune, consider here. It is currently BYOB so you can really savor your meal with your personal selection of wines or beer. Plus, the prices are so affordable that you won’t need a fortune teller to tell you how you are starting the new year prosperously.
Recommeded dishes:
1) Chef’s Signature Char Siu ($20.95) – With a minimum of 24 hours’ notice, Chef Zhang will make fresh char siu using pork that balances fat and lean meats. The delicate, slightly sweet glaze complements the fat, rendering the pork juicy and tender.
2) Yellow Chive with Egg ($24.95) – This chaste dish of eggs scrambled with yellow chives is soulful yet alluring. Throw in a little chili sambal for a little tangy heat.
3) Iced Sweet & Sour Pork (Market Price) – Fried pieces of pork are glazed with a sauce with pineapples, served with fresh berries and topped with a mound of ice. The result is a chilled, crispy exterior revealing a contrastingly hot, tender bite of pork.
Hawaii Dim Sum & Seafood Restaurant
(808) 888-2823
111 North King Street
Business hours: Thu-Tue, 8:00am – 9:00pm (closed Wednesday)
◎ マーケティング会社社長。ハワイ随一のグルメ通として知られている食いしん坊。
Twitter: @incurablepicure
Instagram: @incurablepicure
※このページは「ライトハウス・ハワイ」 2025年1月号掲載の情報を基に作成しています。最新の情報と異なる場合があります。