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ザカリー・ノーブル・シェフが巧みな技でつくり上げる料理も、アルコール同等に魅惑的だ。エリンギのコニャックバターリダクションソースで仕立てたステーキダイアン、シーアスパラガスとマスカルポーネとモッツァレラを畳み込んだトリュフリゾット、ポークベリーと燻製鱒イクラ入りロブスターブカティーニなど、ときには主流から逸れて解釈した素敵なヨーロッパ料理が楽しめる。ブッラータとグリルドネクタリンのサラダ ローストハワイアンペッパーとルヴァン添え、大トロのタルタル 燻製鱒イクラと柚子とびこ、ガーリックバターエスカルゴと焼きトマトのボーンマロー、焼きダコ ローストチポトレバターナッツかぼちゃのピューレ添えといった冷菜や温菜からも、彼の溢れんばかりの創造性が窺える。
1) チャードオクトパス($26) – 生姜醤油を塗って焼いた柔らかなタコ足 オレンジバルサミコリダクションソース、ローストチポトレバターナッツかぼちゃのピューレ添え。ピューレとソースの滑らかな食感と風味がタコの香ばしい味わいを引き立て、味覚を満たしてくれる。
2) トリュフリゾット + キングクラブ($71) – マスカルポーネとモッツァレラで贅沢に仕上げたクリーミーなリゾット。シーアスパラガスの塩味が程よいバランスを醸し出す。甘いキングクラブと削った黒トリュフで、天にも昇る心地に。
3) キングアーサー($99) – 柔らかなフィレ肉をキノコのデュクセルとともにサクサクのペストリーで包んで焼いた看板のビーフウェリントン 赤ワインリダクションソースとガーリックマッシュ添え + バターを絡めたズワイガニ爪の2コースディナー(2人前)。
Gaslamp ガスランプ
Phone: (808) 829-0867
26 Ho’olai Street
【営】毎日 4:00pm – 1:00am
I feel as though everyone around me is shedding weight. Some are exercising while others are dieting, but a few are on meds curbing their appetites while lowering blood glucose levels. As a food writer, I monitor my blood profile quarterly, but temptation usually prevails around the holidays, when the nights are filled with late binging and decadent menus. Then, there are other times that I completely neglect my regimented attempts for a healthier lifestyle, and Gaslamp is one of my havens of indulgence.
A tastefully appointed speakeasy in the back of Kailua Town Pub and Grill, Gaslamp has a few trappings of a Victorian pub—rich cherry-colored wood furnishings and panels, tufted leather banquettes, and soft incandescence emanating from wall sconces and table lamps. Its invitingly discreet ambiance begs for a libation, either from the curated wine list or craft cocktail program. Sometimes, I spread my arms out and fall backwards, placing my liver’s faith in the hands of their talented mixologist who fashions a bespoke concoction based on my flavor preferences.
The cuisine is equally serenading, as Chef Zachary Noble demonstrates his dexterity in forging European fare with alluring deviations along the lines of a Steak Diane but with eryngii mushrooms bathed in the Cognac butter reduction, a truffle risotto with sea asparagus, mascarpone, and mozzarella folded in, or a lobster bucatini with pork belly and smoked trout roe. Chef flexes his unbridled creativity via a selection of cold and hot dishes, including a salad of burrata & grilled nectarines with roasted Hawaiian peppers and levain, an otoro tartare with pops of smoked trout roe and yuzu tobiko, garlic buttered escargots and blistered tomatoes wading in bone marrow, and a charred octopus with roasted chipotle butternut squash puree.
The speakeasy’s clandestine nature and low lighting almost creates an illusion that calories do not exist. And with one bite, I am consumed in the moment, relishing each sip and bite. Throw in some live music on an elevated stage above, and we are enveloped in a state of bliss. The one silver lining to my health is that because Gaslamp is already well-frequented, reservations for the 4:00 p.m. hour are the most often available, forcing me to at least eat before 7:00 p.m., which is what the doctor orders. That gives me enough time to sleep so I may wake up in time to continue to uphold my New Year’s resolution of trying to exercise more, maybe for another month.
Recommeded dishes:
Recommended dishes:
1) Charred Octopus ($26) – A tender leg of octopus is brushed with soy-ginger and dabbed with orange balsamic reduction as it sits on a swoosh of roasted chipotle butternut squash pureé. Creamy and savory essences fill the palate complementing the lovely char.
2) Truffle Risotto with King Crab ($71) – Creamy arborio rice luxuriated by mascarpone and mozzarella is given balancing strokes of brine from sea asparagus. Throw in sweet king crab and some shavings of black truffle to deliver you to heaven.
3) King Arthur ($99) – The two-part dinner for two features the signature Beef Wellington with a flaky pastry crust and mushroom duxelles enrobing a tender filet dressed with a red wine reduction and garlic mash and served with some buttered snow crab claws.
Phone: (808) 829-0867
26 Ho’olai Street
Business hours: Sun-Sat, 4:00pm – 1:00am
◎ マーケティング会社社長。ハワイ随一のグルメ通として知られている食いしん坊。
Twitter: @incurablepicure
Instagram: @incurablepicure
※このページは「ライトハウス・ハワイ」 2024年2月号掲載の情報を基に作成しています。最新の情報と異なる場合があります。