


The Beef Stew & Rice is more beef than stew, but the tender moist braised beef elevates this local favorite plate lunch concept.

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The Lomi Salmon features lovely thin slices of salmon with accoutrements
that add wonderful textures and flavors.



1) ビーフルアウ – 見た目は美しいとは言えないかもしれない濁りスープだが、味がそれを埋め合わせてくれる。タロイモの葉と牛肉の味わいのバランス良し。塩の効いた新鮮なロミトマトがポップなアクセントになって、スプーンが止まらなかった。

2) フィッシュ&ポイ – タロイモのマッシュの上に鎮座する、パリパリの皮で覆われたしっとり柔らかなカンパチのフィレ。ロミトマトと、程よい塩味と酸味を添える柑橘醤油ヴィネグレットとともに。

3) ピニャコラーダアップサイドダウンケーキ – ローストしたハワイ産パイナップルのチャンクがのったしっとりラムキャラメルグレーズケーキ。ブラウンシュガークランチの粉がけ、ココナッツアイスクリーム添え。定番のクラシックデザートを甘さを抑えながら再定義したアイテム。



Phone:  (808) 923-2095

2380 Kūhiō Ave., Honolulu, HI 2階

【営】毎日 4:00 – 10:00pm


ʻOlili’s Modern Lūʻau

I don’t think I’ve ever heard more heated discussions about who should be President of the United States than in the past few years. It’s as if people are trying to convince each other to change sides or justify why they are correct.  With worries how our lives may change depending on who wins, I often avoid these conversations and wish I could live in the past.  Dreaming of what better realities could arise based on anticipated outcomes would give us chances to possibly redo things for the better.  

ʻOlili in Waikīkī has found a way to honor the past but yet be very forward-facing.  Instead of clinging to the past, the restaurant that honors the history of Waikīkī serves contemporary cuisine rooted in the local Hawaiʻi traditions.  Its modern take on the lūʻau is refreshing, with reinvented approaches to traditional dishes to add drama and excitement but in a good way.

The new three-course meal for $75 per person features a choice of pūpū, entrée (referred to as pāʻina nui or big party), and mea ʻono (dessert).  There are two choices for the starter:  a lomi salmon, presenting house-cured salmon kissed by pelagic ikura, crunchy heart of palm, briny sea asparagus, and a textural anykine crunch served with taro chips; and a beef lūʻau, a soup-like composition of stewed taro leaves with short ribs, topped with fresh lomi tomatoes and a scallion chiffonade.  The options for the main course includes chicken long rice with a ginger simmered chicken breast over glass noodles topped with a scallion-ginger pesto and chicken cracklins; kalua pig & cabbage with braised pork belly, charred cabbage, and Okinawan sweet potato in a smoky broth; fish & poi showcasing a crispy skinned Kona kampachi filet over mashed taro; and beef stew & rice with braised short ribs varnished with fancy gravy over crispy garlic fried rice.  For dessert, a piña colada upside down cake puts an illustrious twist on the traditional dessert.

While my time here enjoying this dinner with friends stole me away from the realities of the impending election.  And the $25 beverage pairing added a little mai tai, and some wine, beer, or sake pairings, that ended in a “Liquid Haupia” concoction with Kuleana rum, coconut, pineapple, lime, and almond falernum to completely distract me from my reality.  I left in a blissful state, until I returned home and clicked on CNN for a sobering dose of political updates.

Recommeded dishes:

1) Kona Abalone (market price) – Slices of abalone served escargot-style in a curried Cognac butter, this starter will have you plunging the toast points into each cavity of the dish.

2) Thai Curry Crab Pasta (market price) – Ribbons of tagliatelle lacquered in an aromatic lime leaf curry with roasted vegetables—a nod to Kiyota’s previous Food Company Café menu in Kailua

3) Fresh Day boat Catch (included in the prix fixe) – While the fish courses changes monthly, if you find a fish such as a snapper with a basil corn beurre monte, certainly order it as the moist fish bathed in a flavorful but brothy sauce is nothing short of heavenly.




Phone:  (808) 923-2095

2380 Kūhiō Ave. 2nd Floor, Honolulu, HI 

Business hours:  Sun-Sat, 4:00 – 10:00pm


◎ マーケティング会社社長。ハワイ随一のグルメ通として知られている食いしん坊。
Twitter: @incurablepicure
Instagram: @incurablepicure

※このページは「ライトハウス・ハワイ」 2024年10月号掲載の情報を基に作成しています。最新の情報と異なる場合があります。


【キ・クラブ – – Ki Club- 】


  Please scroll down for the English version!! ロマンスは時間とともに発展するかもしれない。一方で、結婚はときにしてプラトニズムを促進する可能性がある。情...

【ハワイ・ディムサム&シーフード・レストラン -Hawaii Dim Sum & Seafood Restaurant- 】


  Please scroll down for the English version!! 僕は幸運な人ではない。占い師にみてもらわないのは、おそらく言ってもらえることが何一つないだろうか...