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最近発表されたアメリカ国内平均住宅価格上位15都市ランキングで、ホノルルは2位に入っていた。居住に不適切なくらいのぼろ家が100万ドルする街が、ほかにどれだけあるだろう?おかげで不動産会社は大繁盛。三井不動産が所有するハレプナ ワイキキ バイ ハレクラニをはじめとする大手不動産開発運営会社のホテルは、パンデミックの危機を無事乗り切ることができた。
夜はシーフードが中心で、世界各地の海で獲れた旬の食材を伝統的そして斬新な技法で調理した料理が楽しめる。異なった食文化の融合は、カンパチとヒカマのフェンネルとシシトウヴィネグレットソース仕立て、マグロのクルード 大根とキュアードレモンととびこ添えといったスターターからすでに明らかだ。セコンドの海老の焼酎ガーリックバターソース、ビーツルートのごぼうクリームリゾット ホタテまたはサーモン添えは風味満点で、食欲がそそられる。
メインコースもまた、ブランジーノの昆布酒蒸し、さっと焼き色をつけたホタテとフォアグラ餃子 ジャスミン茶仕立てほか、滋味豊かな料理の数々が揃う。わさびとアボカドを添えた贅沢なビーフタルタル、スパイスロータスシードをアクセントに浮かせた香しいポップコーンスープ、プライムリブとテンダーロインの塩麹ステーキなど、海の幸以外の料理も同様に素晴らしい。デザートのブラウンバターアイスクリームとチョコレートファッジのサンデー、マンゴーポプシクルとローズヨーグルトも超絶品なので外せない。テイスティングメニュー($79~$139)は、内容は想像するしかないが、ガーグ氏が至福へ導いてくれるのにまかせよう。
1) アバロニ($26) – みじん切りキノコ、味噌、パルメザン、粗挽き黒胡椒に包まれたアワビ。大地の香り、甘味、見事な辛味がとろりとした貝の旨味を引き立てる。箸が止まらない逸品。
2) ロブスター($59) – 黒米にのせた甘いコナロブスターテイルの滑らかなレモングラスとこぶみかん風味貝だし仕立て。
3) プライムリブアイ($75) – 自家製麹に48時間漬け込んで焼き上げた美しい霜降り肉。肉の滋味を引き出す発酵香と仕上げに塗られた黒胡麻醤油ソースの相性が絶妙。
UMI by Vikram Garg
Phone: (808) 744-4244
ハレプナ 2233 Helumoa Road, Honolulu
【営】[朝食] 毎日 7:00 – 11:00am、[ディナー] 水~日 5:30 – 10:00pm
Honolulu recently ranked #2 among the 15 most expensive housing markets in the United States based on the average home prices. After all, how many other cities offer uninhabitable teardown houses for $1 million? Real estate companies thrive, and fortunately hotels such as Halepuna held by real estate development and operations giant Mitsui Fudosan withstood the pandemic’s impact.
Halepuna’s resilience enables Vikram Garg to make his triumphant return to the Halekulani Corporation, where he once assumed the role of executive chef. Now a tenant, he inaugurates UMI by Vikram Garg, an independently owned and operated restaurant that aligns with Mitsui Fudosan’s commitment to global environment preservation under principles of harmony and coexistence. “Umi” means “ocean” in Japanese but also “mother” in Arabic. The expanded symbolism is pervasive in the restaurant’s operations, as Garg’s culinary philosophy encompasses nurturing guests, connecting cultures, sustaining agricultural origins, and exceeding expectations, while celebrating quantum interpretations of what he refers to as the “Ocean’s Harvest.”
The subdued neutral-toned interior displays dynamic, interactive art by Taiji Terasaki, including an adamograph with QR code that immerses smart phone users in a virtual underwater experience. Serving a diverse breakfast menu of yogurt parfait, granola, pancakes, loco moco, a chariot de pain (bread cart), and other breakfast staples alongside exotic presentations as a masala omelette and shakshuka, the dinner menu embraces the restaurant’s ethos in more evident ways.
In the evening, dishes are more seafood-centric, celebrating seasonal ingredients from around the globe with classic and progressive culinary techniques. Cultural infusions are immediately evident in starters as kampachi with jicama and a fennel shishito vinaigrette, or tuna crudo with daikon, cured lemon, and tobiko. Second courses tempt with flavors as shrimp with shochu garlic butter and beetroot risotto luxuriating in gobo cream with a scallop or salmon supplement. Main dishes continue the narrative with kombu-sake steamed branzino, seared scallops with foie gras gyoza and jasmine tea, and more. The non-seafood options are equally delightful, presenting options of lush beef tartare with wasabi and avocado, aromatic popcorn soup with spiced lotus seeds, and Prime ribeye or tenderloin imbued with koji. Desserts are not to be forsaken, as the sundae with brown butter ice cream and chocolate fudge as well as the mango popsicle with rose yogurt are truly transcendent. Tasting menus from $79 to $139 take the guesswork out, allowing Garg to steer you to culinary Nirvana.
With sublime presentations at reasonable prices at UMI by Vikram Garg, heaven is just a short drive away. Sure, our dwelling is supposed to be our sanctuary, but being an average person who can barely afford a diminutive condo or a dilapidated house, it is no mystery why I try to spend as much time relishing the ambiance of fine establishments as these.
Recommeded dishes:
1) Abalone ($26) – crusted in minced mushrooms, miso, parmesan, and cracked black pepper, the tender mollusc expresses a brilliant butteriness punctuated by earthy, sweet, and beautifully pungent flavors that begs for another bite.
2) Lobster ($59) – a sweet Kona lobster tail is nestled atop forbidden black rice and bathed in a creamy shellfish essence perfumed with lemongrass and makrut.
3) Prime Ribeye ($75) – the lovely, marbled cut is aged for 48 hours in housemade koji, manipulating the fermented notes to elicit an extracted beefiness that is stunningly complemented by a sweet and savory topcrust of soy and black pepper.
UMI by Vikram Garg
Phone: (808) 744-4244
Halepuna, 2233 Helumoa Road, Honolulu
Business hours: [BREAKFAST] Sun-Sat, 7:00 – 11:00am; [DINNER] Wed-Sun, 5:30 – 10:00pm
◎ マーケティング会社社長。ハワイ随一のグルメ通として知られている食いしん坊。
Twitter: @incurablepicure
Instagram: @incurablepicure
※このページは「ライトハウス・ハワイ 2023年10月」号掲載の情報を基に作成しています。最新の情報と異なる場合があります。