
【アランチーノ・オン・ビーチウォーク-Arancino on Beachwalk -】


ワイマナロの新鮮卵を使ったスパゲッティ・アッラ・カルボナーラ トリュフオイル香る濃厚なパルメザンクリームソース($35)。
A TKG poached egg’s yolk flows down the fork as we twirl the Spaghetti alla Carbonara ($35), bathed in rich parmesan cream scented with truffle oil.

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 Two dishes exclusive to the Beachwalk location:  Prosciutto e Papaia ($18) and insalata alla Cesare ($18).



1) カルパッチョ・ディ・カペサンテ($27) – ぽってりと柔らかなホタテのカルパッチョ オリーブオイルがけ、シーアスパラガスと黒トビコ添え。異なった食感と甘辛両方の味わいが楽しめる食欲そそる前菜。

2) オーナーお気に入りピッツァ($35) – とろとろのフレッシュモッツァレラで覆われたクラストに、海老、オニオン、パルメザンチーズ、ガーリックチップがトッピングされた風味あふれるナポリ風ピッツァ。ニンニクがパンチの効いたアクセントに。

3) タリアテッレ・ポモドーロ・エ・クレマ・コン・ガンベレッティ($33) – 海老とタリアテッレのトマトソース仕立て。ピンク色のトマトクリームソースを絡めたアルデンテの平打ちパスタに、カリッと完璧な仕上がりの海老が寛大に添えられている。

Arancino on Beachwalk



Phone:  (808) 923-5557

255 Beachwalk Avenue, Honolulu, HI

【営】水~日 4:30 – 9:30pm(月曜・火曜定休日)


Arancino on Beachwalk

Looking at the business climate in Waikiki now, one would never imagine that we were once shut down from the pandemic.  Where once the streets were eerily empty, they are now home to a spate of new eateries filled with visitors and locals.  Amidst the flurry of openings is a reintroduction of one of my cherished Italian trattorie, Arancino on Beachwalk.  While I have been getting my Italian fix at their other two Honolulu locations—Arancino di Mare at the Waikiki Beach Marriott Resort & Spa and Arancino at The Kahala at the iconic resort—I was thrilled to see the new owner reopen this affordable location.

Lines waiting outside validated my desire to return.  Inside, the dining room was buzzing with diners as pizze and plates of pasta were delivered to the red checkered tables.  Conversation filled the air, as staff members efficiently darted.  The modest menu featured all my past faves, including antipasti such as calamari fritti and carpaccio di capesante, along with the decadent zuppa di aragosta (lobster bisque), and the refreshing insalata caprese.  Two starter dishes exclusive to this location included a prosciutto e papaia of thinly-slice cured Prosciutto di Parma draped over three slices of juicy, opulently sweet papaya, and a slightly vinegary insalata alla Cesare with white anchovies, which kept me longing for a more garlic and pungent anchovy rendition.  

My excitement further mounted with the arrival of the My excitement further mounted with the arrival of the Neapolitan-style pizze.  The thin, chewy crusts veneered with fresh mozzarella were beautifully framed by slightly charred cornicioni.  Flavors included the chaste Margherita with fragrant basil accenting a balanced tomato sauce, the cheesy quattro formaggi showcasing creamy mascarpone, mozzarella, parmesan, and pungent gorgonzola, and the racy pizza tre porcellini, a meat-lovers delight laden with prosciutto cotto, spicy salami, and sausage.

Finally, my anticipation crescendoed as plates of pasta were delivered.  I decided to forgo some of my previous favorites, including the spaghetti con tobiko e calamari, rigatoni all’ Amatriciana, and signature spaghetti ai ricci di mare of fresh candy-like uni folded into a sweet white wine and tomato cream sauce.  However, the velvety spaghetti alla Carbonara with salted punches of guanciale and classic tagliatelle alla Bolognese did not disappoint.  

After departing the restaurant, I felt as though I was in a time warp—a period before the pandemic.  With so many new dining spots in Waikiki, I am thrilled that the city is feeling a little like what it did in 2019.  Now, if only I could figure out how to reverse my age.

Recommeded dishes:

1) Carpaccio di Capesante ($27) – pillowy scallops drizzled with olive oil and topped with sea asparagus and some caviar whet the appetite with textures and sweet & savory flavors.

2) Owner’s Favorite Pizza ($35) – a signature, this Napoli-inspired pizza features shrimp, onions, parmesan, and garlic blanketed by fresh mozzarella exhibit engaging flavors enhanced by punches of aromatic garlic.

3) Tagilatelle Pomodoro e Crema con Gamberetti ($33) – flat al dente ribbons were coated with a creamy pink tomato sauce and accentuated by a generous portion of crunchy, perfectly cooked shrimp.



Arancino on Beachwalk                  

Phone:  (808) 923-5557

255 Beachwalk Avenue, Honolulu, HI

Business hours:  Wed-Sun, 4:30 – 9:30pm (closed Mon & Tue)


◎ マーケティング会社社長。ハワイ随一のグルメ通として知られている食いしん坊。
Twitter: @incurablepicure
Instagram: @incurablepicure

※このページは「ライトハウス・ハワイ」 2024年5月号掲載の情報を基に作成しています。最新の情報と異なる場合があります。


【キ・クラブ – – Ki Club- 】


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