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ファーストコースは、農園産の新鮮野菜を含む7種類のメゼにザアタルフラットブレッドを添えたザ・セブン・サラダ。内容は随時変わるが、オリーブ with アーモンドピクルスと柑橘とマラッシュペッペー、トマト with アレッポペッパーとガーリック、キュウリ with ザアタルと粒マスタードとディル、ザルーク with 茄子のピューレとブラックオリーブと松の実とハーブ、ちょっぴりスパイシーなムハンマラ with スイートピキージョペッパーとザクロ糖蜜とアーモンドミール、ベルベットのようになめらかな白豆のフムス“ビサラ”、クリーミーなレブネ with 燻製マスイクラとディルなど、僕がこれまでに味わったものはどれも例外なく美味しかった。
セカンドコースは2人分サイズのメインディッシュで、仔羊のメシュイ、メディテレニアンブランジーノ(スズキ)、柔らかな和牛のざぶとんステーキ 舞茸とバターナッツとオージューソース、ベジタリアン向けローストカリフラワー ハリッサヨーグルトソースなどから選べる。
フィナーレのサードコースは、デートケーキ 焦がしキャラメルソースとフィオールディラッテアイスクリーム添え。甘い飴がけケーキに、ほっとさせられる滑らかな牛乳アイスクリームが、程よいバランスを醸し出す。
1) 仔羊のメシュイ – タジン鍋で極上に焼き上げた柔らかなラムネック。ナツメヤシシロップのグレーズが美しく照り映える。クミンのスパイス味とケール、サンチョーク(菊芋)が、さらなる魅力とドラマをプラスする。
2) メディテレニアンブランジーノ – パーフェクトな焼き上がりのシーバス 赤と緑のチェルムーラソース。チポリーニオニオンとリコリスを思わせるフェンネルがほんのり甘いアクセント。他のメインディッシュほどの濃厚さではないが、風味満載。
3) 追加コース:ダックバスティラ(+$36) – エクストラコースをオーダーするなら、シェフ・ムラッドのシグネチャーディッシュであるこれ。ダックのコンフィとサルタナレーズンとスパイスドアーモンドをフィロ生地に包み、パリパリになるまで焼いたパイ(2~4人前)で、僕が彼のサンフランシスコのレストラン “Aziza” を訪れた一番の理由はこれだった。
Phone: (808) 888-0884
1108 12th Avenue C, Honolulu, Hawaii
【営】火~土 5:00 – 9:00pm
Christmas is stressful. Trying to find the right gift for a bunch of people is tough. People say, “Just buy gift certificates,” but I hate that because it immediately shows the other person your assessed value of the relationship. And with the rising costs of living, what is now the new appropriate amount that does not seem cheap? I think treating people to a nice meal can be a great way to reduce Christmas stress. With food and enough drink, you can forget all about the other worries.
With new restaurants like Leila, it makes dining out with friends reasonable, and if you want to spend a little more and get the extra bells and whistles, you can. Michelin-starred Chef Mourad Lahlou and local celebrity Chef Chris Kajioka inaugurated their newest restaurant in Kaimuki in late September. Meaning “night” in Moroccan, Leila immediately diffuses any stress with its interior aesthetics. Cobalt blue walls and banquettes reflecting the evening hues create a subdued ambiance, adorned with Moroccan-inspired pendant lights and textured yet contrasting creamy wallpaper. The menu is incredibly affordable, with a three-course meal for $85 per person, with an optional $40 extra for wine pairings. With a vetted team, Leila inspires with its innovative Moroccan cuisine featuring elevated touches.
The first course immediately delights with The Seven Salads, a delightful array of mezze served with za’atar flatbread and farm fresh vegetables. The salads/dips change, but among the ones I tried were delightful: olives with pickled almonds, citrus, and marash pepper; tomatoes with aleppo pepper and garlic; cucumber with za’atar, whole grain mustard, and dill; zaalouk, with eggplant puree, black olive, pine nuts, and herbs; a slightly spicy muhammara of sweet piquillo peppers, pomegranate molasses, and almond meal; bissara, a delightfully velvety white bean hummus; and creamy lebni with smoked trout roe and dill.
The second course offers a selection of entrees, portioned for two people. Among them is a Lamb Meshoui, Mediterranean Branzino, tender Wagyu Zabuton with maitake, butternut, and beef jus, and vegetarian Roasted Cauliflower with harissa yogurt. The meal concludes with the third course, a date cake with burnt caramel and fior dis latte ice cream, a candied sweet cake balanced by a soothingly creamy cow’s milk ice cream.
The meal will leave you completely content, hopefully leaving your guests with lasting holiday memories. The only worry you may have will be the weight gain from dining out all the time, but leave that for a New Year resolution.
Recommeded dishes:
1) Lamb Meshoui – tender lamb neck with a beautiful crusting glazed with date syrup, served in a tagine. The cumin spices, kale and sunchoke added intrigue and drama to the perfectly cooked meat.
2) Mediterranean Branzino – a perfectly prepared seabass accented with red and green chermoula cippolini onions, and a hint of licorice imparted by some fennel. The dish was relatively light compared to the other proteins, yet rich in flavor.
3) Supplemental course: Duck Basteeya (+$36) – An extra course to order is Mourad’s signature dish, my primary reason I visited to Aziza in San Francisco. A crispy phyllo pastry encases fragrant duck confit, sultana raisins, and spiced almonds a pie for 2-4 people.
Phone: (808) 888-0884
1108 12th Avenue C, Honolulu, Hawaii
Business hours: Tue-Sat, 5:00 – 9:00pm
◎ マーケティング会社社長。ハワイ随一のグルメ通として知られている食いしん坊。
Twitter: @incurablepicure
Instagram: @incurablepicure
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