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リラクゼーションと言えば、今僕が特に気に入っているくつろげるスポットのひとつに、カイムキの『トーク』がある。このカフェ(のんびりできる昼カフェとしても好き過ぎるくらい好き)は、店名が“コーヒートーク”から単に“トーク”に変わっただけでなく、最近では木曜から土曜の夜、ビールやワイン、カクテルなどのアルコールとおつまみ類を提供している。ブリタニー・チータムさんがアンオーソドックスなフレーバーを組み合わせて創作するスペシャルティクラフトカクテルは、実に素晴らしい。ウォッカ、ジン、またはテキーラにナシ、グリーングレープ、バジル、ライム、タヒンをミックスした“ナーヤー (Nah, Yeah)”、アールグレイをインフューズしたジャックダニエルボンデッドにリッチシンプルシロップ、カカオ&レモンビターズを合わせた“スピル・ザ・ティー (Spill the Tea)”など飲みやすいオプションがいろいろ揃う。トークのメニューは、概して豊富とは言えないが印象的だ。
1) トロピカルストームポップコーン($8) – ナッツ味、バター味、甘辛味などいろいろな旨味が爆発するスナック。
2) フィグ、ローズマリー、リコッタ、バルサミコピッツァ($8) – ふわふわフォカッチャクラストの自家製ピッツァ。甘いイチジク、ハーブ、クリーミーチーズ、酸っぱいバルサミコがナイスバランスを醸し出す。
3) ハニー&ハム・ボムグリルドチーズ($15) – モッツァレラがジュワッと溢れ出すサンドイッチ。甘いハチミツと塩っぱいハムにブリーが絶妙。
Talk –トーク-
Phone: (808) 737-7444
3601 Waialae Avenue, Honolulu
【営】月~水 6:00am – 4:00pm、木&金 6:00am – 4:00pm、6:00pm – 12:00am、土 7:00am – 4:00pm、6:00pm – 12:00am、日 7:00am – 4:00pm
As a hyperactive person, I never really know whe I am stressed. I am always rushing, partly because I dislike doing nothing but also because my schedule is dictated by others’ circumstances—other people’s urgent requests, scheduling around their convenient times, etc. However, since I am perennially eating, I would conclude I do stress eat. Throw in alcohol, and relaxation is achieved.
Talk in Kaimuki is now one of my new favorite places to unwind. Besides the daytime café rebranding from Coffee Talk to just Talk (another relaxing pastime I enjoy a little too much), the eatery now serves beer, wine, cocktails, and bites from Thursday to Saturday. Brittany Cheatham crafts some exquisite specialty craft cocktails infusing unorthodox flavors. Among the many quaffable options were the “Nah, Yeah” with pear, green grape, basil, lime, Tajin mixed with either vodka, gin, or tequila and the “Spill the Tea” with Earl Grey-infused Jack Daniel’s Bonded, Rich Simple, and cacao and lemon bitters, Talk offers a modest but memorable menu.
We started with some Tropical Storm Popcorn, a spellbinding mixture of black sesame, sesame oil, dashi, nori (laver), black garlic, and miso buttered Chex cereal with nuts. Just as we marveled why no one previously laid claim to ever dressing popcorn with sesame oil and garlic, four different focaccia pizzas baked by Chef Tanya Rose arrived. Each Sicilian-style thick slice was topped with soul-warming ingredients, the freshest in season. While pepperoni is a staple on the weekly rotating menu, others in the repertoire may include roasted red peppers with Provolone, ricotta with garlic drizzled with EVOO, as well as fig, rosemary, ricotta, and balsamic. Tanya assured us she’d always have a vegetarian option, and a meaty one. Expect to find summer corn, butternut squash, and heirloom tomatoes in the coming months, paired with one of the house-made sauces including pesto, white, and tomato.
Full of carbs, we were still adamant in ordering the Bomb Grilled Cheeses. Each panini showcased a calculated blend of cheeses fresh which oozed out of the sides of the focaccia bread. The sandwich fillings were truly inspiring with honey and ham with Brie and mozzarella, fig jam with Brie, pesto with mozzarella and roasted red peppers scented with basil and balsamic pressed inside of a resoundly crunchy The Bread Shop focaccia. Despite multiple visits to Talk, we never got to dessert because of our need to try something new while revisiting some of our favorite pizzas, grilled cheese sandwiches, and cocktails. Each time, however, hibernation is a tempting notion as we lethargically hop into our Uber.
Recommeded dishes:
1) Tropical Storm Popcorn ($8) – a snack exploding with umami, the popcorn expressed nutty, sweet, savory, and buttery notes.
2) Fig, Rosemary, Ricotta, and Balsamic Pizza ($8) – crafted in-house, the fluffy focaccia crust balanced sweet with savory and herbaceous, creamy with acidic.
3) Honey and Ham Bomb Grilled Cheese ($15) – the ham counterbalanced with sweet honey played beautifully with the luscious quality of the Brie in this sandwich weeping with mozzarella.
Phone: (808) 737-7444
3601 Waialae Avenue, Honolulu
Business hours: Mon-Wed, 6:00am – 4:00pm; Thu & Fri, 6:00am – 4:00pm, 6:00pm – 12:00am; Sat, 7:00am – 4:00pm, 6:00pm – 12:00am; Sun, 7:00am – 4:00pm
◎ マーケティング会社社長。ハワイ随一のグルメ通として知られている食いしん坊。
Twitter: @incurablepicure
Instagram: @incurablepicure
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