
ヒラバラファーム産キャロットのローストとゴートチーズ with 黒胡麻($10)。
Lamb Lollipops ($36), Local Butcher’s Cut (Market Price), and Roasted Hirabara Farms Carrots ($10), with goat cheese and black sesame,
showcased a global infusion of creative flavor combinations.

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  アマンダ・チェン・シェフのデザートメニューは、ダークチョコレートとバナナとチョコレートムースを重ねたチョコラターナケーキと、トロピカルソルベをメレンゲで包んで焼き目をつけたベイクド “ハワイ”。前者は、添えられたみそアイスクリームが豊満な味わいを一層引き立てていた。後者は、僕を遠い過去へとタイムスリップさせた。


A fresh ingot of maguro searing over a hot stone.



1) カウアイ・プラウン($20) – 旨味溢れる塩麹バターを塗って焼き上げ、カリカリの唐辛子にんにくをトッピングした大きな海老4尾。海老本来の味わいをあくまでも大切に、スモーキーな香りで甘味を引き立たたせた逸品。

2) ローカル・ブッチャーズ・カット(時価) – グラスフェッドテンダーロインビーフの炭火焼き。ベルベットのように滑らかなベジタブルデミグラスソースと微かな刺激の刻みわさび、そして紫蘇ブールブランソースが思いがけないサプライズ。

3) ベイクド “ハワイ”($16) – クリーミーなココナッツと華やかなマンゴーソルベのドームを黒胡麻ケーキにのせ、メレンゲで包んでさっと焼き目をつけた、ベイクド・アラスカの変わりバージョン。ダークラムソースで。

Arden Waikiki 


Phone:  (808) 791-5151

ウェブサイト:  https://www.ardenwaikiki.com/

ロータス・ホノルル・ホテル 2885 Kalakaua Avenue, Honolulu

【営】水~日 5:00 – 9:00pm(月・火曜定休日)


Arden Waikiki

I’m not psychic but I am fairly intuitive.  I had a notion that a Canadian couple would be opening at MacNaughton’s Lotus Honolulu at Diamond Head Hotel in Waikiki.  Months later, award-winning Chef de Cuisine Makoto Ono and Pastry Amanda Cheng were announced as dynamic duo helming the kitchen at Arden Waikiki.  Having experienced Ono and Cheng’s meals before, I knew Arden Waikiki’s food would enchant.  The chefs’ approach is described as “Contemporary Hawaii Cuisine,” a confluence of “flavors, cultures, and a dedication to genuine culinary craft,” which celebrates local farmers, fishermen, and purveyors.  

I started with a Plum Petals cocktail of ume shisky, shiso bitters, lemon, and soda that whispered tart notes harmonized by a herbaceousness.  Kismet guided me to a beautiful pairing with the li hing tomato salad, a dish inspired by an Alan Wong classic.  Sweet tomatoes and creamy burrata basked in the glory of a tart and savory preserved plum vinaigrette, forging an awe-inspiring marriage.  A melee of char-grilled sweet Kauai prawns, mildly gamey Maui venison tartare brightened by pickled okra, and French fries with a seductively smoked mentaiko dip ensued to whet our appetites.

My dining companions and I shared the larger plates, including the foie gras terrine, which seemed more apropos as a starter.  We ravaged the buttery ingot of terrine schmeared over milk bread toast with sweet onion and plum wine jams.  The tongue-tingling pepper crusted ahi was assuaged by an aerated Hollandaise, while the lamb lollipops exhibited a grilled gaminess fragranced by a vegetal cilantro pistou and canopy of shiso leaves.  Brussels sprouts roasted with bacon, chili garlic crunch, and lehua honey delighted so much that my cruciferous vegetable-averse friend dove in for seconds.  

The modest dessert selection by Chef Amanda Cheng made a bold statement.  The Chocolatana Cake layered dark chocolate and bananas with chocolate mousse became more luscious with white miso ice cream, and the Baked “Hawaii” transported me to an era when Baked Alaskas were still in vogue with its tropical sorbets veiled in toasted meringue.  

While my food memories of yore are still vibrant in my mind, my ability to predict the future is cloudy.  But with two illustrious chefs crafting such a magical dining narrative, my intuition tells me that the future of Arden Waikiki is bright.

Recommeded dishes:

1) Kauai Prawns ($20) – Four grilled prawns basted in an umami-laden shio koji butter were topped with chili garlic crunch.  The natural sweetness of the prawns framed by a light char demonstrated a brilliant culinary restraint.

2) Local Butcher’s Cut (Market Price) – This charcoal grilled cut of grass-fed tenderloin pleasantly surprised with the velvety vegetable demi, punctuated by a mildly pungent kizami wasabi, and a fragrant red shiso beurre composé.

3) Baked “Hawaii” ($16) – A riff on the Baked Alaska, creamy coconut and bright mango sorbet over a black sesame cake is encased in a dome of toasted meringue, accompanied by a dark rum sauce.


Arden Waikiki                 

Phone:  (808) 791-5151

Website:  https://www.ardenwaikiki.com/

Lotus Honolulu Hotel, 2885 Kalakaua Avenue, Honolulu

Business hours:  Wed-Sun, 5:00 – 9:00pm (closed Mon & Tue)


◎ マーケティング会社社長。ハワイ随一のグルメ通として知られている食いしん坊。
Twitter: @incurablepicure
Instagram: @incurablepicure

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【キ・クラブ – – Ki Club- 】


  Please scroll down for the English version!! ロマンスは時間とともに発展するかもしれない。一方で、結婚はときにしてプラトニズムを促進する可能性がある。情...

【ハワイ・ディムサム&シーフード・レストラン -Hawaii Dim Sum & Seafood Restaurant- 】


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