

OA photogenic noodle pull with the Tonkotsu Corn Ramen.

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だから、東京発のラーメン店「らーめん バリ男」のハワイ店を率いるハヤト・オータケ氏が、昨年末もう一軒店をオープンしてくれたので、僕は嬉々としている。場所は、ワイキキ・ショッピング・プラザの地下1階に広がるアジアンフードホール STIX ASIA(スティックス・アジア)内。アラモアナセンターのマカイマーケット・フードコート店も引き続きやっているが、ワイキキ店は、午後10時までとアラモアナ店よりも2時間遅くまで営業していること、そしてアジアの国の裏通りにいるようなエキゾチックな気分に浸れる雰囲気が違いだ。





前菜にもラーメンの付け合わせにもいける揚げ餃子 スパイシーマヨ 
TThe Fried Dumpling Gyoza with Spicy Mayo tempered in spice, makes for a great starter or accompaniment for any ramen.



1) 揚げ餃子 スパイシーマヨ($10.00/6個) – パリパリに揚げた滋味溢れる豚肉餃子。唐辛子入りマヨネーズでいただく。

2) スパイシーパクチーつけめん(レギュラー $23.98) – 辛さレベルをホットにしたが、僕のような辛いもの好きにはまだまだマイルドだった。クリーミーな特製スープは絶妙な塩加減。中太麺に唐辛子とパクチーの独特な香りがパーフェクトなアクセントになっていた。

3) とんこつコーンらーめん($15.98) – 濃厚贅沢な味わいのこのハワイ限定メニューは、少量の黒ニンニクとプチプチのコーンとともに、お腹だけでなく魂までも満たしてくれる。卓上に用意された刻みニンニクを好きなだけ加えて。

Ramen Bario

らーめん バリ男                      

Phone:  (808) 772-4040

2250 Kalakaua Avenue

地下1階 STIX ASIA(スティックス・アジア)内(シーサイドアベニュー入口近く)

【営】毎日 11:00am – 10:00pm(ラストオーダー 9:00pm)

Ramen Bario

My favorite time to eat ramen is late at night.  Sure, it’s great for a quick lunch or even a casual dinner, but ramen gets even tastier when it is after 7:00 p.m., when it’s a bit late for one’s body to be digesting carbs.  However, after a night out drinking, slurping noodles out of a flavorful, salted broth makes the world a magical place, full of rainbows and unicorns.

That is why I am thrilled that Hayato Otake, head of Tokyo-originated Ramen Bario in Hawaii, opened another location late last year in STIX ASIA, the Asian food hall in the lower level of the Waikiki Shopping Center.  While the Ala Moana Makai Market food court location is still open, the newer Waikiki location remains operational for another few hours—until 10:00 p.m., plus its ambiance transports me to an exotic location off the streets of Asia.  

Bario’s ramen boasts three key components that separate it from other ramen shops.  Pork bones are boiled over 20 hours to extract the flavors, infusing them into the rich and creamy tonkotsu broth.  The char siu is made at each location, lacquered with a secret sauce that causes an explosion of flavor as the fatty slices of pork melt in the mouth.  Finally, there are three types of noodles for the various ramen offered, each type correlating to a specific broth as intended when the strands were being developed in conjunction with Sun Noodle.

The original ramen showcases a lavish garlic tonkotsu soup scented with soy.  A spicy rendition of the broth is bolstered by chilis, with spice levels progressing from mild to hot to fire to Kilauea to ghost, the last being a transformative promise for those accepting the challenge with a signed waiver.  The ramen may be accented with a selection of toppings including seasoned egg, extra char siu, green onions, seaweed, kimchee, corn, cilantro, and more to add punches of flavor and texture. 

Hawaii’s locations are also privy to a special limited tonkotsu ramen with thin noodles swimming in a black garlic tonkotsu soup scented with an alluring sweet and tangy, almost molassis-like flavor, that transforms the original broth.  Those preferring to dip their noodles may opt for tsukemen which features a broth with more intense flavors.  Spicy versions of these are also available for those who like to feel the burn on both ends.  

To accompany the ramen, a roster of fried delights awaits, including fried gyoza, fried chicken known as karaage, and slices of char siu, the signature item placed atop each bowl of ramen.  And if the noodles are not enough carbs, there are a few bowls with flavorful proteins such as the chicken or char siu resting atop hot white rice.  So, if you decide to make the commitment for a late-night ramen to sober you up from a wild night of merrymaking, just go all the way.  After all, you only live once and that life is worth preserving for another ramen night.

Recommeded dishes:

1) Fried Dumpling Gyoza with Spicy Mayo (6 pieces for $10.00) – Crispy, flavorful pork-filled dumplings that are given a dose of creamy and spicy flavors from the chili-infused mayonnaise. 

2) Spicy Cilantro Tsukemen (Regular $23.98) –  I opted for hot, which was still mild for a spice lover.  The creamy signature broth had beautiful salt balance and with dipping noodles of medium thickness, the chili and herbaceous cilantro accents were perfect.

3) Tonkotsu Corn Ramen ($15.98) – The Hawaii-exclusive broth was decadently flavorful and with a hint of the black garlic coupled with pops or crispy corn, this was a soulful bowl.  There is also a minced garlic condiment worth using generously if you love garlic.



Ramen Bario                     

Phone:  (808) 772-4040

STIX ASIA, 2250 Kalakaua Avenue, Lower Level (closest to the Seaside Avenue entrance)

Business hours:  11:00am – 10:00pm (last order is at 9:00pm)



◎ マーケティング会社社長。ハワイ随一のグルメ通として知られている食いしん坊。
Twitter: @incurablepicure
Instagram: @incurablepicure

※このページは「ライトハウス・ハワイ」 2024年3月号掲載の情報を基に作成しています。最新の情報と異なる場合があります。


【キ・クラブ – – Ki Club- 】


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